Love Wets the Night: Beatport Release

Nostalgic Mixes of Mine

Sometime around 15 years ago, this website address,, contained these very two DJ mixes of my own. I remember the useful DJ music player widget I stumbled upon to display these mixes.

I was fairly sure the widget was called Mix Tempo, but after re-discovering my original Blogger images, I found that the widget was called TempoPlus!

In order to mix these tracks on my Numark CDX decks, first I recorded a number of tracks from 12" records that were in my collection. I recorded them using Sound Forge and burned the tracks to blank CD-R discs.

I'm pretty sure I used a PCIe ESI sound card.

Numark CDX. Numark PPD 9000. Featured on: - in 2009.

Posted by DJ Jord-E on Sunday 26 May 2024

Numark CDX. Numark PPD 9000. Featured on: - in 2009.

Posted by DJ Jord-E on Sunday 26 May 2024
Here is a commentary on a 1 hour mix from 8 years ago...

....and here is another mix of about an hour from the same year, 2016....

