Love Wets the Night: Beatport Release

DJ Pioneer Vs. the Singular P.A. Speaker and Headphone

Once upon a time in about 2008, Thomas (who happens to have the same name as the Rainbow Six guy) dragged me to this house of his buddy's way up the hill and up the lane.

They had a pair of Pioneer CDJ 1000 Mk2s and some CDs I would assume were made from MP3s into audio CDs. Thomas had deep house tunes on these CDs.

I had burned a ContraseƱa CD from FLAC format that I dowloaded from a torrent. I also brought my hard house CDs.

Fanatical Groove was on the ContraseƱa CD. In good CD quality. I did this cool tempo and genre changing mix that I'm proud of to this day, even though the E.Q.s were not working on the DJ mixer.
